M. C. Geokas* , S. Papanicolaou**, Chuck Kidder** and W. P. (Bill) Carlson****
The present system of Traffic Management and Safety in Greece is inadequate
as shown by the comparatively very high rate of fatalities and injuries
in the nation's roads and freeways. In 1998, there were 2,226 fatalities
and 33,417 injuries, 4,086 of them serious, with probably 20% to 30% dying
in the Hospitals which would bring the total death tall between 3,187 and
3,667. Thus, the number of the seriously injured who die in the Hospitals
is excessive. If this death rate is extrapolated to California, with
its population of 33,494,000 in 1998, and a total of only 3,459 fatalities
(which includes those dying within the first month of Hospitalization),
the number of dead would have been enormous, ranging between 10,517 and
12,101. This level of death rate would have produced a tremor of
8.0 Richter in the United States.
Characteristically, first hand information from written interviews,
obtained by our Task-Force from people who have recent driving experience
in Greece, paint a picture of near anarchy in the nation's road network.
A member of the Task-Force, an experienced Highway Patrol Officer with
35 years of service, was for two months an eyewitness of the aggressive
driving habits of Greek drivers. He states unequivocally that the
dangerous situations created by bad driving habits and extreme risk taking,
are beyond description. It is obvious that Greece is faced with a
monumental Traffic Safety problem, which is much worse from that described
in official statistics. Furthermore, only the improvement of the
road network, will not solve the problem, because 80% of the responsibility
and blame for vehicular crashes, belongs to the driver. We believe
that drastic measures for improving Traffic Safety should start as soon
as possible, for the reduction of deaths and injuries and also as part
of the preparations for the Olympics Games. The present state of
Traffic Safety will spell disaster at 2004.
Strong and effective measures on the issue of Aggressive Drivers, with
their main thrust towards meaningful behavioral change and significant
reduction of traffic violations.
Substantial contribution on ultramodern driver training and education for
drivers of all vehicles and especially on the systematic and strict training
of motorcyclists. The mere fact that young motorcyclists can perform
vertical driving maneuvers (called souzes) in the middle of the city of
Athens, describes in living color the immense Traffic Safety problem in
Fundamental restructuring of the system of licensing and re-licensing for
all drivers, with corruption proof methodology, and emphasis on, intensive
training for mastering driving skills, obeying the rules of the road and
on abolishing the requirement for the engineering aspects of vehicles,
which is used by corrupt examiners for intimidating candidates and extracting
Implementation of drastic measures for protecting pedestrians and handicapped
people and strong measures for improving troublesome intersections and
junctions within and outside the city of Athens, on the basis of the Polytechnic
University recent study (TO VIMA-The 50 Guillotine spots in the Attica
Road Network).
Effective and expeditious handling of the problem of DUI based on the example
of the State of California which was faced with a similar problem 25 years
ago. Without systematic work the problem of DUI will get much worse,
in the near future.
A systematic public affairs campaign for all drivers, towards the development
of a "travel plan," prior to long trips, established as a habit for self
Practical solution of the problem of seat belts for drivers, passengers
and children. When some of the motorists exclaim that "only the insane
are tied down," it is obvious that the problem is real. In California
we experienced the same resistance about 25 years ago.
Systematic and consistent efforts for solving the problem of helmets for
motorcyclists and bicycle riders. Again, in California the problem
was identical 20 years ago. Today, even 4 year old children on three
wheel bicycles wear helmets.
Development of special programs for drivers who are senior citizens or
foreign nationals who are know to have higher accident rates.
Special programs for improving Traffic Management and Control by Law enforcement
personnel, probably with additional training and retraining of officers
at the California Highway Patrol Academy. Ticketing for Traffic Violations,
shall be made absolutely corruption proof.
Further simplification and modernization of handbooks for Drivers of Passenger
Cars, Commercial Vehicles and Motorcycles, which should be available at
no cost to the public.
Comprehensive study and systematic improvement of all dangerous sections
of the national and secondary road network, in close cooperation with local
experts. Similar dangerous sections existed in California and most
of them have been intelligently modified with excellent results.
Systematic study and drastic improvement of the Emergency and the Hospital
care of Traffic Accident victims, because today the number of seriously
injured who die during Hospitalization is too high. This is a paramount
problem of Health Care. The Ambulance arrived over one hour late,
for the 24 year old woman, graduate of the School of Philosophy, which
was described recently in a chilling manner, by the Athens newspaper TO
VIMA. Medical Specialists in Trauma Care strongly emphasize the "golden
first hour," as being crucial for treating the seriously injured victims
of traffic accidents.
Development of a powerful and innovative public affairs campaign in close
cooperation with the Media and other entities, such as the Church, Professional
Societies, High Schools, Universities, the Armed Forces and others.
Public campaigns have been effective in California.
The Task-Force will forge a program of cooperation between Greece and the
State of California, which has been designated as being number one on issues
of Traffic Safety in the US, (with an excellent Highway Patrol Academy
to boot), according to a Study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
IN SUMMARY: At the present time Traffic Management and Safety in
Greece is unsatisfactory. The number of victims from crashes in the
nation's road network is unacceptably high. The combination of multidisciplinary
talent from abroad with local experts , is urgently needed , if substantial
reduction of the asphalt bloodshed is to be achieved. The majority
of required measures for improving Traffic Safety, will be inherently unpopular
and will entail the expenditure of political capital. However, the
after action Report of our Task-Force will serve for the Greek Government,as
a firm basis and an alibi (coupled with Traffic Safety for 2004), in order
to justify the draconian measures necessary for improving Traffic Safety.
Reports by Task-Forces of experts from abroad, have always been convincing
and meritorious, for both the public and the ruling elite, because its
members, have no personal interests or obligations in Greece. Finally,
our Task-Force has been Multidisciplinary by design, which is quite appropriate
and fitting for the complicated and multifaceted issue of Traffic Safety.
*/(Em) Professor of Medicine and Biological Chemistry UC,Davis School
of Medicine, Science
Advisor to California Highway Patrol(CHP) Commissioner and President
Task-Force on Traffic Safety.
**/An Economist and Executive of Boeing Corporation, Seattle, WA, and
Task-Force Project Manager.
***/(Ret) Captain California Highway Patrol, Task-Force Vice-Chairman.
****/Deputy Commissioner(CHP) Former Director Highway Patrol Academy,
Task-Force Chairman.
The Task-Force has been organized by the Think-Tank, Demokritos Society
of America, a non-profit &501(c)(3) Organization. P.O.Box 2227,Walnut
Greek, CA 94595. Donations are Tax Deductible as Charitable Contributions.
FAX: 925\946-1987